Hi Friends,
It's been a while since there has been any further work done to our house. We are currently waiting for Boral to deliver our bricks, this will allow the brickies to start bricking the garage wall and the porch piers. Once this is completed they then install the garage door beam and the beam to the porch, then frame stage is officially completed and lock up stage can begin (according to the builder). So until we see the bricks on site then there won't be any further work.
Although there's no work done to our house but we had the estate boundary fencer installed the rear fence today. It's nothing exciting but at least that is another item crossed of the list. At the moment we have fencing to the right and rear of our block, this is because both our neighbours had moved in. There's still one more side to go.
Anyway this is better than nothing so enjoy the photo's LOL.