For those who are interested on how part of an estate gets built. These pictures were taken during the development of our land stage. The works on land started around early September 2008 and completed in May 2009. Enjoy.
Road and Service Connections:
Digging up the rocks for the road and I think putting in the drain pipe.
Look at those ugly rocks!!!

Rocks are dugged out and levelling of the road starts.

Laying the Gas and Water pipes.

Complete the laying of pipes underneath road and levelled the road ( looks more like a dried out river bed than a road lol).

Starting to look like a proper road.

We have road kerbs yay! That's a good looking piece of dirt (wonder who owns it lol???)

Trench dugged out for house drain discharge point and water connection point.

Connection point for fresh water (black cap), recycle water (purple cap), and I think gas (on the black pole).

I think the H written on the kerb stands for House Drain. Also there are GW (Gas & Water) and EO (Electricity) engraved into the kerb.

Electricity connection point.

No idea what that big black box is for.

These pipes goes through the big black box.

Road nearly done.

We have crossovers and foot path.

Sewer: For those who's interested in knowing how they construct the main sewer.
Sewer trench dugged out and I think the big metalic thing is to protect the workers when they are down there (stops the dirt/rocks from falling in).

Sewer pipes are laid and this will eventually connect to the man hole hence the big unused space.

Preparing to build a man hole for the sewer.

Man hole taking shape.

The sewers are done.

Well that's it for now, I hope you enjoyed the pics (pretty boring hey lol).
Update: We are booked in for colour selections in a couple of weeks time, so stay tune for an update on our selections for our house (and of course pictures), going to be fun!